5 Tips On Using Our Apple Mash Pellets
We at Cookinpellets are always trying to lead the way on new products and thought “Some times I like a lighter smoke flavor.”
Something I could use on a mild flavor foods but with a twist. Enter the Apple Mash pellet.
My kids love apples and we always take out the core and thought…how could I use this and it came to me…in a pellet! And the rest is history.
What Temperature Should You Use: The Apple Mash pellets work best at 180-350 degrees.
What Should I Use It With: Chicken, Pork, Turkey, Cornish hens, Smoked Grilled Sliced Balonia, Pizza, Pancakes
What Is The Flavor Like: A light smoke with ever so light sweet finish.
Other Ideas: Cold smoke fish, shrimp, cheese, veggies
Recipe recommendation: Apple Pork Cutlet
Order your Apple Mash Pellets Today.